First attempt at doing a DesktopX item
Published on April 20, 2005 By xvolution In DesktopX
Hi. I've finally decided to try my hand at making a desktopX object. I'm already having problems with the script coding.

I'm trying to make a text object that will take a value in a variable and display it as text on the desktop. A rate value is added to the variable every second and is updated every second. The question I have is: how do you get it to display as text on the desktop? The tutorials didn't help me out at all. I tried object.Text(myVariable), but I kept getting errors with it.

Thanks in advance.

on Apr 20, 2005

on Apr 20, 2005
Thanks again. That worked.

The tutorials don't say anything about how to do that. Someone needs to make a tutorial on how to do things like this in DX cause the tutorial is too vague.
on Apr 21, 2005
Well, really, its VBscript. DX has a few extra bits added into it, but if you learn VBscript, you're set. Just do a google search for VBscript tutorials. I'd recommend the w3school websites...super good learning there.